Ted Lewis Orchestra: Rhythm Rhapsody Revue
“Is Everybody Happy?” Join The Ted Lewis Orchestra as they bring back the music of the “High-Hatted Tragedian of Song” with Joseph Rubin and his entertainers in The Rhythm Rhapsody Revue! Relive Lewis’ famous hits “When My Baby Smiles at Me,” “The St. Louis Blues,” “The Sunny Side of the Street,” “The Tiger Rag,” and of course, “Me and My Shadow”!
With his trademark battered, old top hat and clarinet, Circleville’s own Ted Lewis captured the hearts of audiences for six decades. Unrivaled in popularity throughout the 1920s, ’30s and ’40s, Lewis drew standing room only houses wherever he played, including a record-breaking total of 54 days at the RKO Palace and Loew’s Ohio Theatres in Columbus.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
3:00 PM & 7:30 PM
Lincoln Theatre
769 E. Long Street
Columbus, Ohio